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Financial Support


Ministry Partnership!

Help transform a life and shape our next generation, by giving now.

Resident Sponsorship!

Resident women and children

For your Resident Sponsorship of

$37 per month
(just over $1 a day),

you can help assure that one woman or child is provided with a safe place to stay for one day, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, Christian mentorship & training and most importantly, ensuring that the love of God is shared with them in a tangible life-changing way.
Choose to sponsor one or more women or children with your
sponsorship commitment today!

Corporate Sponsorship!

Duke Energy - Dollars$4Good

The purpose of the Duke Energy In Action | Dollars4Good program is to increase the positive community impact that employees and retirees make through their charitable donations. Through this program, Duke Energy offers a 1:1 match for eligible donations made to The King’s Daughters Ministry. A minimum donation of $100 is required in order to receive a match from Duke Energy. The ongoing Dollars4Good matching gift program supports eligible donations made by employees and retirees during the calendar year, up to $5000. Please remember to choose The King’s Daughters Ministry when setting up your donations.  If you need additional help or want to set up your donations, contact

Duke Energy - Hours4Good

The purpose of the Duke Energy In Action | Hours4Good program is to encourage charitable volunteerism in the communities served by Duke Energy. Through this program, employees and retirees can volunteer for The King’s Daughters Ministry, log their volunteer hours in the company’s giving system, and earn company “matches” (in the form of financial donations) for the volunteer hours logged. In addition to rewarding the hours logged by individual volunteer contributors, this program includes a supplemental Board Volunteerism Program for participants who serve as volunteers on The King’s Daughters Ministry’s board positions. The guidelines below highlight the criteria for participating in the individual Hours4Good volunteer program as well as the Hours4Good Board Volunteerism program. Please consider volunteering at The King’s Daughters Ministry. If you need additional help, contact


Duke Power - Retirees4Good

The purpose of the Duke Energy In Action | Retirees4Good program is to provide a means for teams of eligible retirees and their spouses to join forces and donate their time and talent for the good of the communities served by Duke Energy. Through this program, teams of retirees can pool their hours together to support The King’s Daughters Ministry, log their hours in the online giving system, and earn company “matches” (in the form of company financial donations) for the volunteer hours logged. If you need additional help, contact .


We value your prayers and support  as we continue in our goal of rescuing  women at risk and providing them the message of Christ Jesus.  We are truly blessed to be a part of  such a  wonderful  community. 

The King’s Daughters Ministry is a 501(c)3 non-profit, non-denominational ministry. 

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